
Keegan Krick

T32 Grant Trainee, CAMB Genetics and Epigenetics Graduate Group

Keegan hails from Falmouth, MA and obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from the University of Massachusetts – Boston. Following undergrad, he spent three years as a technician in Chris Burge’s lab at MIT studying the specificity of RNA-binding proteins and the connection between transcription and splicing. At Penn, he is a member of the CAMB Genetics and Epigenetics graduate group and is co-mentored by Liz and Kristen Lynch. His work in the Heller Lab centers on the mechanisms that drive chromatin-mediated splicing and how these can become dysregulated in neurological disorders, such as addiction. Beyond the lab, you can find him suffering on his bike, searching for his next favorite band, and exploring the great outdoors.