Epigenetics Institute Research in Progress meetings ~ Developmental Epigenetics Interest Group

Epigenetics Institute Research in Progress meetings hosted by the Epigenetics Institute Interest Groups Developmental Epigenetics Interest Group Karl Glastet (Berger Lab) Epigenetic Regulator Corest Mediates and can Reprogram Division of Labor In Ants Yang Zhu (Wagner Lab) Environmental Reprogramming of Plant Architecture Tzachi Reizel (Kaestner Lab) Developmental and Non-Developmental Roles of Foxa Proteins Developmental Epigenetics Interest … Continue reading Epigenetics Institute Research in Progress meetings ~ Developmental Epigenetics Interest Group

Epigenetics Institute Research in Progress meetings ~ Neuroepigenetics Interest Group

Epigenetics Institute Research in Progress meetings hosted by the Epigenetics Institute Interest Groups Neuroepigenetics Interest Group Deborah Kwon (Zhou Lab) Profiling cortical transcriptomes to understand stress-induced maladaptive behavior. Songjun Xu (Heller Lab) Neuroepigenetic remodeling in cocaine addiction associated transcription and behavior. Jon Beagan (Cremins Lab) 3D genome architecture orchestrates activity-dependent gene expression in neurons. Neuroepigenetics … Continue reading Epigenetics Institute Research in Progress meetings ~ Neuroepigenetics Interest Group

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