Epigenetics Institute Research in Progress meetings ~ Neuroepigenetics Interest Group

Epigenetics Institute Research in Progress meetings hosted by the Epigenetics Institute Interest Groups Neuroepigenetics Interest Group Deborah Kwon (Zhou Lab) Profiling cortical transcriptomes to understand stress-induced maladaptive behavior. Songjun Xu (Heller Lab) Neuroepigenetic remodeling in cocaine addiction associated transcription and behavior. Jon Beagan (Cremins Lab) 3D genome architecture orchestrates activity-dependent gene expression in neurons. Neuroepigenetics … Continue reading Epigenetics Institute Research in Progress meetings ~ Neuroepigenetics Interest Group

Hao Wu, Ph.D. – Epigenetics Monthly Seminar Series

JMEC Law Auditorium 3400 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hao Wu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Genetics The University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine https://www.wulabupenn.org/ Trainee Talk: Priyanka Verma Postdoctoral Researcher from the Greenberg Lab 9.19.19 Epi Monthly Seminar

Irfan Asangani, Ph.D. & Arunika Das, Ph.D. – Epigenetics Monthly Seminar Series

10-146 Smilow Center 3400 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Irfan A. Asangani, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Cancer Biology The University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine https://www.med.upenn.edu/apps/faculty/index.php/g275/p8862482 Trainee Talk: Arunika Das, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher, Black/Lampson Labs 10.17.19 Epi Monthly Seminar

Distinguished Seminar Series

Dr. Ali Shailatifard (Northwestern) 10.28.19 Ali Shilatifard Seminar PRINCIPLES OF EPIGENETICS AND CHROMATIN IN DEVELOPMENT AND HUMAN DISEASE Ali Shilatifard Simpson Querrey Center for Epigenetics and The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in metazoans is central for establishing cellular diversity, and … Continue reading Distinguished Seminar Series

Junwei Shi, Ph.D. & Wenliang Wang, Ph.D. – Epigenetics Monthly Seminar Series

JMEC Law Auditorium 3400 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Junwei Shi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Cancer Biology The University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine https://shipennlab.wixsite.com/shi-lab Trainee Talk: Wenliang Wang, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow, Vahedi Lab 12.12.19 Epi Monthly Seminar

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